Enable trust in digital information

Cryptar challenges the blockchain paradigm and combines today’s best practices in a patent pending protocol, focusing on decentralized evidence rather than decentralized operations

Cryptar features

Scaling digital trust across infrastructures

The cryptographic solution that lets you keep your local infrastructure and process flexibility, while enabling independent verification for digital collaborators and authorities

Protect critical data against manipulation

Proactively detect leaked certificates

Control data validity beyond your network

Share certified data on must-know-principles (SSI)

Build an immutable data lifecycle history accepted by authorities

Enable verification anchors in multiple trust-silos and local devices

Cryptar benefits

Self-sovereignty for everyone

Not everyone has the resources to validate or operate a blockchain. Cryptar removes the reliance on wallets and blockchain operators altogether

Validity controls remain with the data producer
Local control over data and sharing
Verifiable partial data prevents oversharing
Cryptarizing data

Establishing immutable data and managing data validity

Maintaining maximum flexibility without adding technological complexity onto already complex business challenges.

Data producer maintains existing data lifecycle and verifies when relevant documents or datasets have been created, updated, or deleted
Cryptar documents change cryptographically and publishes verification fingerprint to multiple configured trust locations
Data recipient or processor obtains fingerprint from trusted location and verifies that (partial) data is current and authentic
Scaling trust

Connect existing trust-silos

Cryptar combines existing trust in business partners, auditors, authorities and blockchain(s) by enabling multiple asynchronous verification anchor locations

Truly decentral
The use of blockchain(s) and authorities amplifies decentralization and trust
Faster acceptance
Integrate multiple trust-silos rather than having to break them down
Use case scenarios

Enable evidential digital information

Any information that is lucrative will be counterfeited. Prevent disputes over data manipulation and demonstrate accountability through tamper-proof evidence

Supply chain information

Ensure authentic and valid data across stakeholders (e.g., digital product passport)

Phygital information

Prevent version conflicts and manipulation by enabling automated controls (e.g., documents)

Certified information

Enable the self-sovereign handling of certified information (e.g., identity attributes)

ESG reporting

Underpin claims with evidential origin of information (e.g., CO2 reporting)

Financial reporting

Provide evidentially untampered documents and system data to regulators (e.g., tax audit)

Custom use cases

Flexibly deploy Cryptar and leverage the flexibility of JSON to suit your needs (e.g., whistleblower)

"Nam porta dolor quis nisi tempor, ac euismod ex consectetur. Sed euismod lorem nec orci iaculis blandit. Donec porta eleifend lorem maximus nulla amet vestibulum."

Ava Wright

HR Analyst, Hotero

"Ante, eu gravida odio eros et lacus. Sed nec dolor eu orci tristique tincidunt. Nunc dapibus sapien sed diam feugiat, nec maximus nulla. Vestibulum, suspendisse a egestas dolor, at tincidunt ligula."

Lana Steiner

HR Analyst, GoodMax

"Feugiat porta id vel nibh aliquam a tincidunt. Aliquam risus tortor, egestas sed pulvinar ipsum amet dolor tempus gravida."

Kelly Williams

Recruiter, Novelora

"Aliquam risus tortor, egestas sed pulvinar a, tristique vel sem. Sed sit amet consequat risus. In quis sem urna feugiat porta id vel nisi."

Candice Wu

Employment Manager, Bellela

"Perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in mollit anim id est laborum."

Anita Cruz

Executive HR, Varonda

"Fringilla, libero non ornare tincidunt, velit ipsum euismod arcu, vel pellentesque tortor lacus ac felis. Donec erat nibh, tempus gravida congue quis, tristique ut tortor."

Katherine Moss

Executive HR, Zermia

Learn more

Leveraging Cryptar to build digital trust

In the digital age, data emerges as the lifeblood for modern businesses, emphasizing the escalating significance of data authenticity and related control mechanisms.